We will develop SIMS into Asia’s best translational research institution by actively conducting research that
links basic research with clinical medicine focusing on metabolic diseases, stem cell research, degenerative
diseases, and regenerative medicine.
We will develop SIMS into a top-notch medi-bio science graduate school for Asia’s best medical talents in
translational research by reinforcing educational processes in master’s degree, doctoral degree, and MS/PhD
integrated programs.
Just as we are doing with the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) and the Institute of Medical Science, the
University of Tokyo (IMSUT), we will continue to extend and strengthen global networking, collaboration
and complementarity.
We will try our best to set a fine example of successful collaboration between academia and industry, and
finally establish the largest medi-bio research cluster in the Chungnam area, with our medical college and
affiliated hospitals at the center.